1) Plug in Microscope into USB port. (The led lights turn on.)
2) Run DRC as administrator
3) Select Tools menu, image capture:
4) Image capture opens with drop-down populated with a list of digital video devices on your computer
5) Select your microscope:
6) Camera Tab, tab may turn dark and then display video feed
7) Click the camera icon and click on the image tab. (this is image capture from the video feed)
8) To save image, do the following:
Opens mineral collection form to a specific record.
- switch over to mineral collection form from image capture form.
- Saves image to specimen currently displayed in Mineral collection.
- Saves image as a new specimen entry to mineral collection and then opens mineral collection form.
When an image is saved to a specimen:
Image added as cover image:
Also added to the images tab for the specimen.